The purpose of the Legal Notice request is to inform the users of domiciled at, C / Narcís Monturiol, 20. Pol. Ind. Ca Magre, 08187, Santa Eulalia de Ronçana the corporate name for which the person in charge of the trade is RMT ISOLATION, SL , whose is the seva privacy and confidentiality protection policy of personal data according to the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD) that their users provide freely and voluntarily. < / p>

RMT ISOLATION, SL posits in the seu coneixement that has the specific personal character seves in the corresponding registre d’activitats of the tractament of the company denominat Gestió d’Usuaris Web.

The legal basis for the agreement of the documents is the consent obtained from the owner of the agreement at the time of filling out the on-line form and expressly accepting the document. </ p >

The purpose of the creation, existence and maintenance is the tractament of the rights with the exclusive purpose of being able to effectively provide the information request and / or the seva request for registration of purchase.

The recipients of the information are all the departments, compartments, locals and associates in the quals s’organitza RMT ISOLATION, SL I will not be assigned to the third chapter except in cases where there is a legal obligation.

In all cases, you wanted to obtain confirmation on whether RMT ISOLATION, S.L. This m tractant les seves dades personals per tant te dret to access the seves dades personals, rectify the inaccurate data or request the seva suppressió quan given them no further necessaris.

All the fields of the on-line formulary are marked with an asterisc are of obligation to employ in order to be able to effectively confirm the seva request for information and / or purchase registration.

The Web adopts the technical measures and necessary organizational arrangements, according to the level of security protection of data that It corresponds legally, to guarantee the security of the transaction of personal data that constitutes the seu fitxer automatitzat. However, the user must be aware that in the current situation the security measures on the Internet are not impregnable and, therefore, they are not protected from possible illegal and illegal interference, which will not be the responsibility of RMT ISOLATION , SL , since she has acted with due diligence to protect them as determined by the law.

The cookie policy of the Web troba determined in l’apartat corresponent.

The Web far as possible because these days are always up to date. However, the responsibility for the quality of the data depends on the owner of the data, here you see that if there is any modification of the user data of the website, it will inform the Responsible of the Fitxer, declining this total responsibility in each case. that ometi la seva forced to notify els canvis.

The provision of the service of the website and the conditions presented by the Lloc website is governed by the Spanish Language. For any discrepancy in the execution, interpretation, compliment of these conditions, the parts are subject to the Jutjats and Tribunals competents.